The Monster Tribe Project
There is an innocence in lying which is the sign of good faith in a cause.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
presented by
Mother Earth's Favorite Family
The Delmonsters
Though the words and images of this web site, not oils, are his medium, the omnipotent leader of the Delmonster tribe has painted a portrait of humanity's most remarkable members and assembled it for public contemplation. Operating in dual capacity--both as creator and curator--he has put together a collection that displays, in every zealous detail, the many faces of human purity and sanctity.
Human beings have spirits in an inevitable way; they may turn and twist as they please and hold their hands over their giveaway eyes. There are truths that are recognized best by mediocre minds because they are most congenial to them; there are truths that have charm and seductive powers only for mediocre spirits; mankind now comes up against this agreeable proposition that the Delmonsters are beginning to predominate worldly taste. The Delmonsters, a stunning, mendacious, seemingly artificial and opaque collection of creatures, uncanny to other animals less because of their strengths than because of their cunning, intellect and shrewdness, have invented the good conscience to enjoy their souls as simply immortal.
Like all museums, this one offers the visitor a variety of pleasure. To many, the proliferation of these creatures, the Delmonsters, is emblematic of large-scale social immortality and genetic greatness for the purpose of preserving cultures and saving mortal society from the impending collapse of modern civilization.
The Delmonsters are legendary to the marrow. The joyful seriousness, the welcome obtrusiveness of their existence allows individuals to approach a more important sentiment. The Delmonsters possess certain contemporary qualities that are conducive to a sort of inspiration and sense of beauty. Their mere existence is a drive for mortal mankind to strive for a larger cause and a greater good. The world is richer for their presence.
There is plenty of truth in this charge to make it plausible and desirable, even believable. It is common to fear the unknown!
Glory be to the Delmonsters!
Thanks to Kristen "Monster" Ankiewicz for allowing the Delmonsters to use her wonderful monsters!
Number of Visitors Who Have Entered the Delmonsters' Lair: